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Online Psychologe bei Ängsten
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Online Psychologist Stephanie Ferretti

Advantages of her Anxiety Therapy

  • Experienced psychologist
  • Expertise in anxiety disorders
  • Participate relaxed from home
  • Fast and sustainable help
  • Assistance for self-help
  • Absolute privacy
  • Scientifically recognized methods
  • Obtain appointments quickly 
  • Support between sessions
  • No exposure exercises

Online Therapy against anxiety

Modern anxiety therapy with NLP and hypnosis.

Dipl.-Psych. Stephanie Ferretti, Online Psychologist for Anxiety.

The solution-oriented short-term therapy I have developed follows a clear and efficient system to resolve anxieties without lengthy, time-consuming processes. We do not focus on learning to control fears or their simple acceptance.

Instead, we directly dissolve your fears – and even faster by harnessing the power of unconscious psychological processes.

Modern therapy methods such as hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) make this possible. In my therapy sessions, I combine these approaches with solution-oriented psychotherapy and tailor my interventions to your needs. Our focus is on identifying the causes and actively seeking solutions. I look forward to our collaboration. Yours, Stefy.

Feedback on Anxiety Therapy:

Here's what my clients say about our collaboration.

Melanie W.
Melanie W.
Ich habe seit meiner Kindheit an Skin Picking an meinen Fingern gelitten und wirklich alles versucht, um mir das abzugewöhnen aber dadurch, dass ich das immer unterbewusst gemacht habe, war das total schwer gewesen, weshalb ich mich erstmals für eine Hypnosebehandlung entschieden habe und da auf Stephanie Ferretti gestoßen bin. Nach der ersten Hypnosesitzung hörte das sofort auf und ich hätte echt niemals gedacht, dass das bei so einer langen Gewohnheit so schnell funktionieren würde. Ich war anfangs auch erst unsicher, ob eine Onlinehypnose überhaupt funktionieren würde und ich war echt positiv überrascht! Es geht ja an sich sowieso um das Gehörte, daher funktionierte das genauso wunderbar. Vor allem, wenn man das über Kopfhörer macht, dann hat man auch weniger Nebengeräusche. Stephanie Ferretti ist wirklich unglaublich kompetent und super freundlich, ich habe mich bei ihr sofort mega wohlgefühlt. Ich bin ihr wirklich so unendlich dankbar, dass sie mir so gut helfen konnte!
Armin Albers
Armin Albers
Stephanie Ferretti hat mir geholfen meine Angst vorm Erbrechen zu überwinden. Schon nach der 1. Sitzung habe ich eine Veränderung gemerkt. Stephanie ist nur zu empfehlen, sie schafft es nicht nur die Angst zu lösen, sondern arbeitet auch mit der Hypnose um sämtliche Gründe und/oder "Triggers" für die Angst herauszufinden und zu lösen, was für mich einen positiven Effekt nicht nur bezüglich der Angst, sondern auch in anderen Lebensbereichen hatte.
Wir sind mit unserer 8 Jährigen Tochter zu Frau Ferretti. Unsere Tochter hatte extreme Angst vor Blutabnahme. Durch Hypnose und Frau Ferretti's sehr nette und ruhige Art hat unsere Tochter ihre Angst überwunden. Wir waren jetzt schon 2 Mal zur Blutabnahme seid der Therapie und es hat sehr gut geklappt. Lieben Herzlichen Dank!
Annalisa A
Annalisa A
Mi sono rivolta alla dottoressa Ferretti in un periodo della mia vita pieno di cambiamenti in cui necessitavo di sostegno per superare alcuni blocchi che mi portavo da parecchio tempo. Ho trovato una professionista piena di competenze e passione che affianca alla psicoterapia anche la pratica dell´ipnosi, una pratica che non avevo mai provato prima e sulla quale avevo molti dubbi, ma che si é rivelata uno strumento molto valido che la dottoressa Ferretti utilizza con successo come supporto aggiuntivo. Sono molto contenta di averla conosciuta e di aver aiuto il suo prezioso aiuto. L´empatia, la gentilezza e la disponibilitá che ho trovato in lei sono doti uniche e per nulla scontate in un terapeuta. Mi sono sentita accolta e ascoltata come paziente e come persona, non posso che raccomandarla a chiunque senta la necessitá di rivolgersi ad una psicologa.
Valentina Scipione
Valentina Scipione
Stephanie Groitzsch Ferretti is a great professional. I grew a lot during the therapy time with her and I even had an epiphany which changed my approach to relationships and therefore my life. Also I had never had hypnosis before and she took the time to explain all the steps and made me feel comfortable. My overall experience with Stephanie was excellent and I wouldn’t think twice going back to her if I would need therapy again in the future.
Jennifer Cook
Jennifer Cook
Ich habe mich wegen meiner Emetophobie bei Frau Ferretti in Behandlung begeben, da mir meine Hausärztin sagte, dass dies das wirksamste Mittel wäre. Dabei hatte ich bisher keine Berührungspunkte zur Hypnose. Da ich so unbedarft an die Sache herangegangen bin, war ich auch extrem überrascht, welche Erfolge ich bereits nach der ersten Sitzung spürte. Inzwischen hat bereits eine zweite Sitzung stattgefunden, die die Ergebnisse noch vertieft hat. Ich kann es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Frau Ferretti hat auf eine sehr sympatische und einfühlsame Weise dazu angeregt, seine eigenen Reaktionen und Handlungen zu reflektieren und bewusst darüber nachzudenken. Ich bin sehr froh, mich zu diesem Schritt entschlossen zu haben :)
Anna P.
Anna P.
Die Hypnosetherapie von Frau Ferretti hat mir geholfen, mein Skin Picking (Aufkratzen der Haut) in den Griff zu bekommen. Nach jahrelangen Versuchen damit aufzuhören habe ich es jetzt endlich geschafft, und meine Haut sieht von Tag zu Tag besser aus! Ich konnte schon nach einer Sitzung einen deutlichen Erfolg sehen. Vielen Dank dafür 🙂
Luna Gualdi
Luna Gualdi
Stephanie has great human skills, as well as professional. I went on a beautiful journey with her and I am really very satisfied. I highly recommend Stephanie to anyone who needs to make a change in their life.
Aurora Ciocchetti
Aurora Ciocchetti
Ich habe mich entschieden, Hypnose anzufangen, weil ich abnehmen wollte, aber emotional hatte ich Hindernisse. Dafür habe ich Frau Stephanie Ferretti als Therapeutin gewählt, die wirklich eine zuverlässige Person ist, die man vertrauen kann. Die Praxis ist sehr gemütlich und ich habe mich sofort wohl gefühlt. Gemeinsam haben wir einen Weg genommen, der fürs Leben ist !! Ich bin mit Ihrer Arbeit sehr zufrieden. Auf dem Weg haben wir gemeinsam beschlossen, mein Ziel zu bereichern, um andere Hauptemotionen wie Ärger oder die Notwendigkeit, klare Grenzen zu setzen, auflösen zu können. Dann kam mir der Gedanke, dass ich alles schaffen kann. Ich bin überrascht und begeistert über die plötzliche Veränderung, wie in der Lage zu sein, der Stimme in meinem Kopf zu folgen, die sagt, was mir wirklich ein gutes Gefühl gibt. Mein persönlicher Weg ist schwierig zu gehen und die Ergebnisse werden in naher Zukunft vorhanden, aber jeder um mich herum hat die Ruhe bemerkt, die endlich in mein Leben zurückgekehrt ist, . . . und wir alle profitieren davon ;D Was die Ernährung betrifft, eine sofortige Änderung!!! wirklich erstaunlich,. . . Also kann ich nur sagen, danke für Ihre wertvolle Hilfe und danke mir, dass ich Sie gewählt habe, Sie war die richtige Person!!! Sicher empfehle ich Sie gerne weiter!

My offer is aimed at people aged 18 and over, regardless of their origin, sexual orientation, religion, cultural background, or political views. Travelers also benefit particularly from my support because we work together online under these conditions:

Under these conditions, my therapy System is suitable for you:

  • You are willing to speak openly and honestly with me.
  • You are ready to accept changes in your life.
  • You are motivated to actively participate.
  • You do not consume drugs or excessively consume alcohol.
  • You do not take psychotropic drugs.
  • You are willing to receive support online.
stephanie ferretti
Dipl.-Psych. Stephanie Ferretti - Your Online Psychologist

Procedure for Online Therapy

1. Appointment Scheduling:

Are you interested in my offer? Schedule a callback. In a short 20-minute phone call, you can ask questions and get a first impression. If the chemistry is right, we plan the online sessions, and you will receive an email with the appointment confirmation and payment details.

2. Anamnesis Questionnaire and First Session:

After scheduling, you will receive a comprehensive questionnaire and the link to the first online session. In the first session, we discuss your situation in detail, set goals, and start therapeutic work. I tailor the therapy to you with solution-oriented questions.

3. Individually Adapted Short-Term Therapy:

To solve anxieties, we use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and imagination exercises to build more security and self-confidence. I also use techniques from clinical hypnotherapy to use unconscious processes for more relaxation. During hypnotherapeutic techniques, you remain in control and relax on your sofa or bed. Sessions end with an open opportunity for questions and comments. You observe changes in the days following, which you record for the next session. This usually takes place one to two weeks later.

Recognized and Certified According to Scientific Standards:

Systemic therapy is recognized by the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy as a scientific method. The American Psychological Association (APA) recognizes hypnosis as a legitimate therapeutic technique and confirms its effectiveness in treating anxiety disorders. The Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy has recognized hypnotherapy for adults with somatic diseases as an effective method.

FAQ: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Ask Stefy, Online Psychologist for Anxiety and Panic Attacks:

During the initial conversation, we jointly determine the number of sessions and the best interval for you to integrate the changes into your personality long-term. Therapeutic sessions last up to 90 minutes each. Short-term therapy usually lasts between 3 and 6 months. In some cases, 1-2 sessions may be sufficient. I am happy to advise you further on the phone.

I am pleased that my Therapy System has a very high success rate. Clients who work with me resolve or significantly alleviate their symptoms by 90%. I only work with people with whom, in the initial conversation, I can assess a high potential for success based on motivation, compatibility, and openness.

Hypnosis is the key to your unconscious. Fears arise unconsciously, meaning not on a rational level, and are therefore more difficult and time-consuming to treat if you only work on the conscious/rational level. Perhaps you are familiar with hypnosis from television or internet videos, where people couldn’t move their arm or did other funny things. Clinical hypnotherapy, as I apply it, is different. We discuss your situation and concerns first. Information about your motivation, inner blocks, and about you as a person helps me adapt the hypnosis techniques individually to you. I then guide you slowly and gently into a pleasant trance. Imagine it as a deep relaxation where your mind can travel while your unconscious listens to me attentively and makes positive changes.

Scientists have found that the unconscious is up to 90% responsible for our thoughts, actions, and feelings. Now imagine having the unconscious on your side when resolving panic, leading a healthier life, being more relaxed!

No, modern hypnotherapy is not dangerous when performed by a well-trained hypnotist. Make sure they have a healing permit if you want to treat fears or other mental disorders. As a Diplom-Psychologin and Systemic Therapist, I can assure you that I have a very good and comprehensive basic training. Thus, hypnosis is carried out in a safe and protected environment. You will never feel like losing control because you will be placed in a comfortable and safe state of therapeutic trance, slowly and consciously, not abruptly like in stage hypnosis.

No worries, I will gently bring you back from deep relaxation. Hypnotherapy does not mean that you sleep. Quite the opposite. You are in an altered state of consciousness where your attention is more inward. Scientific studies show that this state is also brain organically different from sleep. Trance is a natural state that also occurs in everyday life, such as when you drive several streets in the car and then wonder why you have already arrived home without consciously remembering which route you took. You practically daydreamed with your eyes open while your unconscious and automated processes safely led you home. This illustrates that hypnosis is an experience for everyone.

If you are currently taking medication regularly, please discuss with your treating doctor whether anything speaks against hypnotherapy. If you currently consume drugs or rely on the intake of psychotropic drugs, this is an exclusion criterion for therapy with me because we work intensively on the emotional level.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to resort to video calls temporarily to continue supporting my clients. Some were abroad or prevented from coming to my practice in Berlin due to quarantine. We were pleased to find that psychotherapy with hypnosis techniques and NLP also works wonderfully via video call. Because touching clients is not necessary to effectively induce deep relaxation. It is only communication techniques. However, a disturbance-free environment is crucial to engage in deep relaxation. Also, a stable internet connection is essential for good communication. In the initial conversation, we can determine together whether online therapy is suitable for you.

Every person is hypnotizable because it is a natural state. Hypnosis is initiated by relaxation and is the key to our unconscious. Everyone can relax deeply if they follow the instructions of the hypnotherapist. A trusting relationship is essential for this. In the initial conversation, we can find out if the chemistry between us is right. Our daily lives show that our conscious thinking is occasionally distracted, and we act almost automatically. A good example is driving, where we arrive home after several streets without consciously remembering which route we took. We practically daydreamed with our eyes open while our unconscious and automated processes safely led us home. This illustrates that hypnosis is an experience for everyone.

Would you like to try my Therapy System to resolve anxiety? Before booking a session, I am happy to inform you over the phone about the expected treatment duration and the associated costs and answer all your questions.

In most cases, it is advisable to agree on an individually tailored therapy package, which includes additional support in addition to the individual sessions. Included in the price are anamnesis forms and their evaluation, additional support between sessions, as well as supportive bonus material for home. Prices may vary depending on the concerns and needs. You can expect approximately €1,200 to €2,100 for a 3-6 month short-term therapy according to the Therapy System. Installment payment is possible. In the initial consultation, we will jointly determine what is most suitable for you. The initial conversation over the phone or via video call currently costs €39.

stephanie ferretti
Online Psychologist for Anxiety - Stephanie Ferretti

When is online therapy useful?

Solving fears worldwide, flexibly, and relaxed.

angst therapie online
Online support from anywhere

If you are frequently traveling, whether for work or personal reasons, you can receive constant psychological support from anywhere in the world.

If you live abroad and are looking for an English-speaking psychologist, online options are available to you.
Discover the flexible and convenient world of online therapy!

Learn more about how you can receive professional support from anywhere. Your journey to greater well-being can begin.